Fraud - Embezzlement - Usury - Extortion - Receiving stolen goods - Money laundering - Disruption of freedom of trade - Counterfeiting - Disclosure of secrets - Bribery among private individuals


Protection of offences against property covers many different traditional crimes. Money laundering offences, self-laundering and use of money, benefits of unlawful origin and bribery among private individuals have been added to that list. These traditional offences are subject to a broadening of their interpretation. They are frequently alleged even when part of legitimate business, in the management of commercial, banking, construction or supply contracts, and it is assumed that such offences could be committed electronically.

The Firm provides legal assistance to clients whether they have been victims or are accused of receiving stolen goods and violating anti-money laundering regulations, in cases of bank usury, or those of contractual fraud or misappropriation of a rented property.

Through their organisational expertise, professionals assist companies wishing to avoid being affected by these offences in advance.

Our professionals assist individuals and companies in proceedings relating to unfair competition, intellectual and industrial property, where allegations of disruption of freedom of trade, fraud in trade, sale of products with misleading signs or infringement of industrial property rights, counterfeiting, disclosure or use of scientific, commercial or professional secrets, and embezzlement are raised.


Related areas

Cyber crimeOffences against property, competition and copyright



Piazza Eleonora Duse, 1
20122 (MI)

Studio Penco is member of the international network of law firms RedeJur
